Thursday, April 24, 2008

Why is this painful??

You know what I can’t understand? Why does it hurt so much to get something in your penis hole? I’m not talking about anything perverted here. (Side note: One time I was reading my dad’s old Penthouse Letters, and I read about a guy and a girl, and the girl, like, stuck her nipple in the guy’s weiner hole or something, and the guy was like "YEAH!!" and I thought to myself "whatever" even though I was 10 and still believed that girls got "boner vaginas" because my friend Will told me he saw one at Meadowbrook.)
Anyhow, I’m getting off track here, but I just mean some little thing gets in there, usually it’s a little piece of string from the inside of your pants and it snakes its way into your hole. Wow that hurts! Why does that hurt so badly? Every time I go to the doctor I am tempted to ask but I always chicken out at the end because I’m afraid he’ll think I’m weird. Yes, I try to maintain a certain degree of professionialism when I’m getting my prostate checked.
Anyhow, the point is that it hurts too much for what’s going on there and it makes me mad. And Penthouse Letters is not always 100% truth.

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