Thursday, April 24, 2008


The other day I was talking to a friend of mine and he mentioned that some guy was really "on a rampage." It made me think back to when I was a kid and my grandfather would get drunk and quarrelsome and they'd eject him from his nursing home. I got used to hearing "Chester's on a rampage" and I had no idea what it meant. I used to picture him growing really tall and smashing and stomping on skyscrapers like in that video game, called Rampage, where you'd smash and stomp skyscrapers. You were also Godzilla, but that fact kind of got lost in the shuffle. I like that better than just being drunk and disorderly.
"Holy Shit guys, Chester just knocked down the Foshay Tower with his head!! He's on a rampage!!"
That could tend to make a guy pretty famous. Instead, his biggest claim to fame is that he is the only person I know to get an entire pork chop bone lodged in his throat and opt for "sleeping it off" instead of "Emergency Room"

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