Thursday, April 24, 2008

I am less lazy

I realize that I've gotten a lot less lazy lately. I cannot figure out why. I used to be so lazy that I waited until it was time to leave work to use the bathroom because it was near the door and I didn't want to make any unnecessary trips. I contemplated peeing in my coworkers garbages but that thought never progressed from my brain to my urethra (as far as they know). Side note: One time, at a party, I spent all night peeing in a guy's garbage because he was constantly telling people not to "PH" him. I assume he meant "playa hate." See why I hate white people??? Anyway, I always wondered what he thought when he woke up the next day to a garbage full of wizz. He never said a word. One time I went out into my front yard and there were a bunch of notebooks laying out there. No one ever came back for them. That stayed with me for a long time. Did some kid just get fed up with school and decide to go bonkers right in my yard? I hope those are the kind of answers you get when you die

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