Thursday, April 24, 2008

Brian and his adventures with a big ball

Here's a very stupid story. One time, I was jogging around my neighborhood as I am known to do. All of a sudden, I came upon a large rubber ball, kind of like the kind you would buy at Target in the big bin of balls for $2.99. It was really big, for a ball, almost as big as an exercise ball. Anyhow, I'm nearing the end of my run and I am very tired (230 lb men were not necessarily built for running) so in the hopes of distracting myself, I picked up the ball and began dribbling it down the street. A big dude running down the street dribbling a giant ball. And here's what happened. People slowed down.... to stare at me!!! I should have anticipated this but I was tired. I can't imagine what I would have thought if I saw me doing this but I'm guessing the phrase "short bus" would have crossed my mind. So I threw the ball into a yard full of Doberman Pinchers and they were scared of it. What a stupid story..

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