Thursday, April 2, 2009

Crazy People Walk Amongst Us.

I love crazy people. Love them to death. I wish the world was filled with crazy people and everybody just walked around acting crazy all the time. I would just kick back and watch them and smirk. That would be my job. I would get a couch, and a porch, and a 40, and sit on the couch on the porch and watch crazy people interact amongst themselves.

I especially love crazy people who look really normal. Isn't that great?? It's like a surprise birthday party with hookers and old friends and nachos. The reason I bring this up is that today I found a normal looking crazy person in my midst. He's this guy from the gym I mentioned a while ago. I call him GI Joe.

GI Joe and I have always had a good sort of acquaintanceship going. I say "Hey" to him and he says " Whattup" to me. We're pretty tight like that. So this morning I got to the gym at the same time as GI Joe, and GI Joe is driving what else? That's right, a soon-to-be-obsolete Hummer. So I see him in the parking lot and he sees me. I say:

Me: I should have known you'd drive one of those. Ha.
GI Joe (Nervously): Why? What do you mean?
Me: You know, a Hummer. You wear army shirts. You know?
GI Joe (Still Nervous): Oh, I thought it was because you knew about my missions from above.
Me: Um....
GI Joe: Yeah, you don't know about those right? Cuz nobody does!!
Me: Um...

So then I quickly walked inside and I realized that a crazy person with a crewcut and an army shirt who drives a Hummer was walking behind me.

Like 10 minutes later I see him in the gym and get a "Whattup?" from him, like the whole crazy conversation from 10 minutes ago had never happened. Did I mention that I love crazy people?

Shine on you raving lunatics, shine on!


Anonymous said...

so if everone is crazy wouldn't that make you crazy as well? At which point no one would really seem crazy since we would all be crazy. Heck we might all be crazy right now and just not even realize it. Great, now I gave myself a complex and need therapy.

Crazy Bob

Anonymous said...

Brian - if you need your fill of "crazies" - you know you can always find them in the downtown skyways. There does not ever seem to be a shortage.
