Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Jimmy Fallon is going to get Fired

I watched Jimmy Fallon's monologue last night for the first time and it was fairly obvious to me that he won't be around long. It wasn't just that his jokes weren't very funny (they weren't, it was like Weekend Update without a desk and without Tina Fey writing your material for you), it was more that his delivery was like when a telemarketer calls you and starts delivering a long, boring speech and keeps losing his place in the speech so there are a bunch of strange unnecessary pauses while he re-finds his place. There were even a couple of times when he delivered a punchline and nobody laughed. At all. So then he stared out at the audience, perplexed and afraid, and then a couple people would laugh because they got unconfortable with all the silence.

This whole thing doesn't surprise me very much, I've never been a fan of this guy. He's the only guy in TV history who creates an entire blooper roll by himself every 20 minutes. Breaking character and laughing during 65% of your sketches isn't appropriate. I don't care how funny you think Horatio Sanz is. (Also, Horatio Sanz isn't very funny either, but he probably would have done better than Jimmy Fallon because he has that whole "Fat and Jolly" thing going for him. You ever see a really fat dude lumbering around? Doesn't that make you smile?)

Anyhow, the sun is going to set on Jimmy Fallon pretty soon so I'd like to offer up this suggestion for a new host. Norm McDonald. He wouldn't even need guests. I think I'm a television visionary.


Anonymous said...

Hot Damn! Norm McDonald!!! Yeah!

DannyGelfman said...