Wednesday, May 13, 2009

In case you get bored...

Here's something really fun to do that I bet you've never done. Go into the library and grab a book. Then, instead of reading the book quietly and not drawing attention to yourself, do the following:

1.) Scream at the top of your lungs, "OH NO, IT CAN'T BE TRUE?!!"

2.) Throw the book in the air and begin loudly vomiting on everything and everyone you see. (Side note: You'll have to actually vomit for this to be really cool, so prepare for that too.)

3.) Strip naked and sprint around, bumping into bookshelves and knocking them over, all the while lamenting about the lack of card catalogs in the library.

4.) Sprint up to a librarian and ask her a question that makes absolutely no sense, like, "Does Air have wings?" Or make up your own.

5.) Microfiche your butt, and then make people look at it. Mock and ridicule them if they don't know how to use a microfiche.

6.) Calmly put your clothes back on and explain your actions by quoting a secondary character in the book you just threw up in the air and vomited on.

7.) Run, you are going to be arrested.

If you pull it off, you are officially awesome.

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