Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Non-stop Talkers

You know what I really enjoy? There's always somebody in your family or circle of friends that is just a nonstop, stream-of-consciousness talker. Somebody not very exciting at all. Somebody who just talks and talks and talks to whoever will listen, and even if everybody falls over dead, they would only pause to ask why everybody was laying on the ground, and then continue talking. But then every once in a while, this person accidentally reveals some deeply personal part of their life, and that is FUN!!

"So, yeah, I was at Cub Foods yesterday, and I bought some eggs and the boy who rang me up said "$4.68" and I thought to myself "that can't be" and so after I paid I noticed he had charged me for 3 cartons of eggs instead of one and so I went and told him and he told me to go to the service center for a refund and he didn't even say sorry and I had paid with my credit card, the one that has a picture of my cats on it, so instead I just went back and got 2 more cartons of eggs and left with them and I was going to make a quiche but now I have all these extra eggs and one of them is a little brown and it looks like it's about to hatch like those chicks in incubators at the State Fair which I've decided I'm not going to anymore because it's just too crowded and the last time I was there a man made fun of my pants because I had spilled french fry grease all down the front, but I didn't spill it at the fair, it was before the fair, so what was he talking about? Did you know bums and ugly people live at the fairgrounds all year round? I was down there trying to find Bandanna Square because my friend told me they had a store that sold only Green Jello there and I wanted some because green jello is great for cooking when I cook I like jello and chicken and maybe some Green Bean Casserole. Why is it sometimes called Casserole and sometimes called Hotdish? Who knows? Maybe the bums and ugly people who live at the fairgrounds. They looked really angry to be living there, and maybe it was because it was cold or they were mad at how bad their lives were but the only person I ever saw look that mad was my dad. Did you know he used to rape me about 4 or 5 times a week from the time I was 8 until yesterday, which is when I was at Cub Foods buying eggs......."

Usually there is no pause or embarrassment, the flow just keeps flowing. I love that...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had an aunt like this. She always talked about her crotch.