Tuesday, June 24, 2008

People are funny looking

You ever notice how many weird looking people there are out there? Hollywood has us bamboozled. They take they best looking people and put them on camera and leave the rest of us odd looking people, and I count myself in the population, to wonder why we're so funny looking. It's bad for ya.

Everywhere I go I see:

People whose asses are 10 sizes too big in proportion to their bodies
People missing fingers (Did you ever notice how many people are missing fingers? A lot)
People with gigantic noses
People with a bunch of fetuses in their stomachs
People whose stomachs stick out like 3 feet but they look normal from the back
People with Alien-shaped heads
People with really stupid clothes
People with gross toes
People with super fat elbows
People with big weird divet-like things in their fat
People who are obviously bald but try to cover it up by being really tall or by wearing a hat.
People who look skinny but when they take off their shirt are very flabby.
People with horrible teeth.
People whose nipples poke out even when it's hot
People who have strange tanlines, like they wore a venetian blind to the beach.
People whose boners poke out always
People who look dead but aren't.
People who look like fat, ugly versions of celebrities
People with too much body hair

This is just a sampling of the weird looking people that I've seen this week, and I include myself in this mix. By just a haircut or not shaving I can look like

-A bouncer at The Lounge
-Somebody who gets caught on "To Catch a Predator"
-A Mexican Dude
-A fatter version of Shaggy from Scooby Doo (Side note: I never saw the resemblance, but a drunk chick in Vegas said that's what I looked like. I took it as a compliment.)

So anyway, we all look weird. Even the super hot girls have weird veins or eczema or crooked boobs or something. So let's embrace it. Also, have you ever noticed how many people look a little bit like horses. It's like 65% of the population. You just want to put a saddle on them. So cheers to all you weird looking people, I hope you get together and have kids that come out looking like Pug Dogs.

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