Thursday, July 31, 2008

Men vs Women Drivers

So I got a message the other day from a guy complaining that women drivers are essentially brainless morons and to write about that. I'd like to say that I do not think women or women drivers are brainless morons, but I do think this.

Women are extremely unknowingly selfish drivers, while men are angry testosterone fueled jerks. Men are constantly on the lookout for anybody doing anything that irriatates them. Women are not on the lookout for anything. This is why there is no girl on girl roadrage.

For example: A guy will drive down the road and basically this is what he's thinking:

Guy: Boobs...Sex...Vaginas...Butts....Twins Game...HEY ASSHOLE WHY DON'T YOU LEARN TO DRIVE...Butts... Sex...OH NICE BLINKER MORON, I HOPE THE COPS PULL YOU OVER AND TAZE YOU TO DEATH....Vaginas....Boobs...etc. At least that's what I think. Not a woman. She is much more peaceful, and much more unaware.

Here's how we really know this is the truth. A guy will carefully let you merge and then waive at you as if he's doing a huge public service. A guy will also cut you off, and then hit his brakes so you almost crunch into him and give you the finger because he thought you weren't merging smoothly enough, or if he didn't like your faded "Kerry-Edwards 04" bumper sticker. A woman will cut you off because she has no idea you, or anybody else, exists on the road.

I don't think anybody is better than anybody else. So we've settled that debate. Now I'm going to go back to thinking about boobs.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A Landmark Work!

-Old Guy in the Passing Lane who speeds up and slows down to make sure you are stuck behind him.