Friday, June 28, 2013

Long Power Outages Would Make Me Die

Last week the Minneapolis St Paul Metropolitan Area experienced the most extensive power outage, in terms of number of people affected, ever. I was one of those who lost power, and it was really kind of discouraging to find out how dependent I am on technology. Although we were without power for only a little over 24 hours, during that time my life devolved into a serious of bizarre mishaps attempting to "survive" during the outage including:

  • Complaining how hot it was constantly, and consequently trying to figure out a way to live in the refrigerator until my wife told me not to do that anymore.
  • Getting lost in the darkness of my own living room (although this merits an explanation. I was sitting playing Candy Crush on the love seat when I felt what appeared to be a large, probably venomous insect crawling on my shoulder, although it might have been a dog hair or something since I couldn't see it. So I got scared, brushed off my shoulder, and hopped over to the couch. Then after a while, I turned off the IPad and started off to bed, except I had forgotten that I had switched furniture. Since it was pitch dark, and since I believed I was on the love seat, which faces the hall towards my bedroom, I figured I'd just go straight and eventually get there. But since I was actually on the couch, which was perpendicular to the love seat, what I wound up doing is walking directly into a wall, penis first. This perplexed me, as I did not remember a wall being on the way to my bedroom, and so I panicked a little, and in panicking a little, I walked into the wall again, penis first. So then I really got scared, and scrambled back to where I was sitting before, possibly stepping on a cat or other medium sized animal in the process. I had to turn my IPad back on and use it as a defacto flashlight to find my bed.)
  • Fed the children old candy collected from the Farmington Dew Days Parade + Halloween and Easter for breakfast because we had no milk and no way to cook anything.
  • Pushed the garage door opener 300 times before I realized that it wouldn't work without power
  • Started searching the house for burlap or any other type of rugged fabric I might use to make clothes in case everything else was dirty at some point.
  • Started plotting which pet we'd have to eat first if food ran out.
  • Trying to remember what Tom Hanks did to survive on that island, besides having a pet volleyball.
  • Pushed the garage door opener several more times again.
Eventually the power came back on and life made sense again, but it led me to the conclusion that if I had lived 200 years ago, I would most likely be dead, and my only employment opportunities would be hopping from town to town as the village idiot, which I don't think had great benefits, even if the ACA had existed back then.

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