Thursday, August 19, 2010

People Suck at Conversations

Do you ever get to talking to some casual acquaintance and you begin to tell a fairly interesting story about something that happened to you, and the stupid person completely blows you off when you take a breath and starts talking about his own story which isn't even remotely as interesting as yours? I hate that. When people do that I really get the urge to clang their testicles together with heavy cymbals.

Me: So last week I went parachuting naked in Greenland.

Person: Oh, I went to International Falls.

Me: Um...

Person: Yeah, I went to the Bronko Nagurski museum, and then we hiked up a hill and ate marshmallows.

Me: Cool, well I was..

Person: Then we drove for a while and saw a farmhouse and there were chickens there.

Me: Yeah, so...

Person: Then I took a big poop at a gas station. It was greenish. The poop, not the gas station. Then we went to an embroidery store. Then I pooped again, but not at the embroidery store.

I figured out a really good trick to help get this person's concentration back to your story where it belongs. Just start slapping him repeatedly. It's a well known fact that a good slapping helps with this.

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