Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Creepy Children's Books

What is the deal with kids books these days? I take my kids to the library and there are tons of books about horrible things that can happen to them. I guess the idea behind books like this is to make a profit off of how dysfunctional families have become, or, as the writers would tell you, "to help a child understand that he/she is not alone in this scary situation." Yeah right. It's really creepy to peruse the sections and see:

Where did Daddy go?
Mommy went to Heaven
What's that lump?
What's a Divorce?
Daddy smokes Mary Jane.
Grampie lives at the Nursing Home.
What's a psychiatrist?
My new wheelchair.
Spot lives underground now.
Uncle Dave touched me.
Daddy's in prison
Jeffy drinks poison.
Rabies hurts!

And on and on. Any bizarre occurance probably has a children book written about it.

Dragons live in my underpants.
Policemen killed my dad.
My toys tell me to burn things
Uncle Frank has two heads
My friend has no legs
I met Satan at Daycare.
I forgot how to breathe.
My wee-wee smells terrible
Gramma's in a coma
Why don't I have lungs?
I go potty in a bag.
My family are nudists.
Spider bites make me die.
What's wrong with his face?
I have no torso.
Cousin Jim has antlers.
I see dead people.
I see red people.
Why is daddy kissing that man?
Mommy is naked on TV.
Great Aunt Velma got stuck in a chimney.
Why does gramma smell bad?

And the list goes on. By the way, all you aspiring children's book writers, don't steal any of these ideas.


Anonymous said...

I am fricking dying over this one.

Anonymous said...

On the topic of books, have you ever noticed how many 'for dummies' books are out there now? It's starting to become ridiculous and since I am too lazy to start my own blog I figured I would hijack yours to post some of the most outrageous ones here. Keep in mind, these are real titles that some publisher seriously looked each one of these and said 'yeah, I'm sold, let's go with it.' I'm not making this up. I'll leave the witty comments that could easily accompany each one of these to you...

*Nanotechnology For Dummies
*Day Trading For Dummies
*Writing a Romance Novel For Dummies
*Einstein For Dummies
*Logic For Dummies
*Raising Smart Kids For Dummies
*Sex For Dummies, 3rd Edition
*Coaching Kids For Dummies
*Pit Bulls For Dummies
*Success For Dummies